Outside Reviews of my Scholary Work

Jerry Bergman Ph.D



This report provides a brief review and analysis of the comments made by others, mostly academics and scholars, about my published work. For this study, I reviewed only books monographs and bound journals indexed as books, not journal, magazine, or Internet articles, for the reason that a review including these sources would be impractical since I have been quoted several thousand times. Also, I could review only the books that I have become aware of and were able to obtain copies. No doubt some books have quoted me that I am unaware exist. I was also unable to obtain copies of a few books even after inter-library loan searches and Internet book dealer searches.

An analysis of the books that have quoted my research and/or writings reveals a clear trend. For example, I have published extensively on the topics of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Intelligent Design, and Creationism.  Of the books I reviewed that quote my writings on the Jehovah’s Witnesses, all except two, both written by Witnesses, and one other, are favorable of my work.  All published comments written by supporters of creationism and Intelligent Design report favorably on my work in those areas as well. Conversely, with only one exception, all of the books I found that opposed creationism and ID, and that referenced my work, were unjustly negative about my writings. A total of 128 books were located that referenced my work, and over 99 percent quoted or referenced me favorably.

Books on Jehovah’s Witnesses

Books on Witnesses or those that cover topics related to Witnesses that quoted me favorably include: Ankerberg and Weldon (1999, pp. 191-192, 208); Brock (2006, pp. 938, 4445); Botting and Botting (1984, p. 158); Côté  (1993 p. 45, 2004); Conser and Twiss (1998, pp. 148,156); Gruss (2003, p. 220); Holden (2002, pp. 90, 190); Smith (2003, p. 215); Kammen (2000); Larson, (2004, pp. 283-284); Marty and Appleby (1995, pp. 56, 59); Neusner (2003, p. 99); Penton (2004, pp. 137, 140, 203-250, 386); Perrault and Blazek (2003, p. 469); Smith (2008, pp. 33, 296), Jenkins, ( 2000, pp. 62, 155, 250, 266); The Encyclopedia Americana (Penton, 1995, vol. 16 p. 3), Reed, (1993, 1996, pp. 255-260) and Dorf (2004, p. 469). Ankerberg and Weldon (2003. pp. 147-153,185) included six pages that quote several of my publications in detail, including my work on mental illness and the Witnesses. Last, DeSousa (2006 pp. 10-19, 21, 23, 47, 65, 66, 103) quotes extensively from my work on the Witnesses, all favorably.

Thompson, in a review of my bibliography on the Witnesses, wrote “this volume is a very valuable research tool for anyone studying this movement and its many sectarian splinters” (1987, p. 182-183).

Peters quoted my review of the flag salute refusal problem in the public schools (2000, pp. 17-18) and Wiecek suggests that readers to consult my review (2006, p. 220). Numbers et. al. (1986, p. 477, 482, 484, 578), Ankerberg and Burroughs (2008, pp. 106, 246) and Swan, (2007. p. 482) all favorably quoted my work on the blood transfusion prohibition of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Cameron favorably referenced my work on the pyramid of Geze in Egypt, the so-called bible in Stone, an idea of the first president of the Watchtower Society C.T. Russell (2006, p. 35). Espinosa (2009) quoted my work on Eisenhower’s religion favorably on p. 34. And, last, Fisher and Holden favorably reference my work on the flag salute (2002, pp. 90, 190, 236) as did Jewett and Lawrence (2003, pp. 296, 368), quoting in detail my work on the effect of the prohibition to young people.

All of these sources are either positive about my work, or reference it supportively. Both D’Este (2002, pp. 33, 34, 58, 416, 710, 714, 722, 819) and Smith (2006, p. 540) quote my work in some detail on President Eisenhower to support their research as did Hesse (2001, p. 395). Lichti favorably quoted my work on the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Nazi Germany (2008, 183, 253), and last, Kopel and Blackman (1997, pp. 27, 43) quote my article on the Witnesses failed expectations regarding Armageddon in support of their academic conclusions.

Blazek and Perrault (1994, pp. 269-270, 359) in a review of my 1984 book on Jehovah’s Witnesses wrote that it is an “excellent resource for the scholar and serious student,” adding that “The author is a psychology professor who has produced a well-organized and thorough tool” concluding my book is “a fine introductory essay describing the history and development of the church, which should be read by people with a scholarly interest” (He was referring to when I was an Associate Professor of Psychology at Spring Arbor University in Spring Arbor, Michigan.)

Henderson (2002, pp. 33-34, 47-50, 53, 60, 63-64, 66, 67-68, 74, 76-81, 90-92, 94, 95, 110, 111, 148, 182, 183) referenced my book on Jehovah’s Witnesses and an interview she completed at my home for her Ph.D. dissertation on freedom of speech. All of her references were very favorable. In her peer reviewed journal article based on her Ph.D. dissertation she quoted me numerous times, as supported by nine footnotes to my work, again all very favorable (2004, pp. 817-820, 830-831).

Stewart (2003, p. 107) wrote my book on Jehovah’s Witnesses is “The ideal starting point for any researcher interested in a scholarly study of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The introduction gives a historical summary of the genesis and development of this movement, and the editors introductory noted to each section are also helpful.” Ripley-Duggan (1988, p. 118) included my Jehovah’s Witness book in his “representative selection” chapter in a section of special collections. Last, Schoepflin (2000, p. 308-310, 321) referred to my book on Jehovah’s Witnesses in his section on Jehovah’s Witnesses. Chryssides (2009 relied heavily on my work in writing Chapter 5 titled “Finishing the Mystery: the Watchtower and ‘the 1917 schism,’” specifically referencing me on pages 111, 123, 126, 127 and 128.

The only non-Witness exception that is not positive is Chernus (2008) who wrote  “Jerry Bergman has suggested a strong influence of the [Jehovah’s Witness] tradition on [Dwight Eisenhower], but his argument adduces no substantial evidence… the evidence for direct influence of these traditions [Jehovah’s Witnesses and River Brethren Church] is so slim and inconclusive that it does not seem worthwhile to speculate on it” (2008, p. 245). I had asked him to review my book manuscript on Eisenhower’s religious background where I documented in over 200 pages the evidence for my conclusions, but he declined, stating that he did not feel qualified to do so, writing “I just don’t feel that I can either confirm or refute your findings, and I wouldn’t try to do either.”[1]

He later wrote in his book that “I have not been able to consult either Bergman’s book-length study or Jack Hall’s [sic] study of Eisenhower and religion, both now in preparation.” I would assume that the scholarly approach would be to have taken me up on my offer and at least reviewed my study before he published his book with Stanford University Press. The fact is, overwhelming evidence exists that “these traditions” had an enormous influence on Eisenhower, as I documented in my 200-page book titled God in President Eisenhower’s life and Presidency that I plan to submit to a publisher soon.

The only other negative reference about my Witnesses research is in a book by an active Witness, Firpo Carr who included a whole chapter lambasting me (1993, pp 399-406). I have responded in detail to his claims in several long papers (Bergman, 2006). The book was carried by a Witness sales company but has now been discontinued since it included outrageous and undocumented claims, such as that several prominent historical figures, including Jesus Christ, were black and not Semites.

Books on Creationism and Intelligent Design

Books favorable to creationism or Intelligent Design were consistently favorable about my work. For example, Charles Colson quoted at length my article on Penzias (2007, p. 71-72, 426, 437), as did Dimitrov (2008, pp. 26, 127). Peterson (2004, pp. 63, 239) quoted my article on macroevolution and Boyd (1997, p. 237) referenced my article on human design, Gillen (2001, pp. 34, 152) quoted my book on vestigial organs as did Brown (1996, p 7, 39) Geisler (2008, p. 246) and Johnson (2009. pp. 67, 113). Duke (2006, pp. 124, 204) referenced my writing on human tears and Robinson (2007, p. 289) mentioned my work on the evolution of feathers, and my work on mammals was referenced by Davis (2006, p. 79). Kulikovsky favorably noted my work on the history of evolution and toxicology (2009. pp. 79, 208, 287). Gibson (2004, pp. 1135, 1136 and 1145) quoted favorably my work on the problem of discrimination against those who hold to a non-Darwinian worldview, writing “Bergman extensively documents the disadvantages that creationists scientists face in the academic and scientific world” (p. 1136).

My work on the problems Darwin Skeptics have in academia has also received much coverage, including by Geisler (2007, pp. 246, 386), Giberson and Yerxa (2002, pp. 53, 64, 98, 254), Schlossberg (1991, pp. 112-117, 176), Whitemarsh, (1991, pp. 22, 162), Malone, (2001, p. v.7), Carson, (1996, p. 423), Grena (2007, p. 156), (Dalton, 2004, referenced on p. 149), Epperson (1985, p. 354), Sullivan (2000, pp. 131, 143) and Johnson (2009, pp. 96, 113). Ankerberg and Weldon quoted on my work on the discrimination of creationists that covered five pages (1997, pp. 158-162). Comfort  (2008, p. 71, 183) favorably discussed my list of almost 3,000 scientists and science professors who reject macroevolution. Last, my book Slaughter of the Dissidents was quoted and referenced extensively by Professor David Goetsch, PhD and Dr. Archie Jones (2009, pp. 23-26, 30, 84-90, 92).

Aaron Gillette referenced my work on eugenics and wrote that he found my work “both excellent and one of the inspirations for the later chapters in my book” (2007, p. 213) and David Feldman used a section that I wrote for him on male behavior (2006, pp. 21- 28), which he acknowledged (p. 349). My work on abiogenesis was favorably reviewed in some detail by De Lafayette (2009, p. 323-326).

Lowell Coker, PhD favorably reviewed my work on abiogenesis and also my article on particle physics (2005, p. 17, 159, 168). Carson reported favorably on my review of the Forrest Mims Scientific American discrimination case published in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Journal. Professors Dodson and Howe (1997, p. 106) discussed the problem of discrimination against creationists, citing my Bowling Green State University case. Another example of the discrimination problem is found in Walton who wrote:

Dr. Jerry Bergman, who lost his teaching position at Bowling Green [Ohio] State University because he wrote a paper defending a Scriptural view of creation, found that evolutionist-humanists exercise almost total censorship in regard to books and teaching materials on creationism. His research led him to conclude: “Creationist literature has been self-censored from nearly every major secular university in America. Creationist theories are censored in the schools, in the media, and in textbooks published by major publishers. Libraries, even if they want to, find it difficult to stock creationist books. Yet,” reported Bergman, “… hundreds of books and monographs on creationism are in print, actually more exist in support of creationism than evolution” (Walton, 1988, p. 90, p. 353).

My work on Ota Benga and the racism inherent in Darwinism also received favorable coverage by Washington (2006, pp. 422-423), Silverman (2003), and Becker (1994, pp. 106, 246). Cohen (2006, pp. 75-77) included a whole chapter on my research on Ota Benga. Okoli, (2007, pp. 68, 78, 81) favorably referenced not only my work on Ota Benga but on my writings on the connection between both racism and Nazism with Darwinism as well.

My article on Nobel Laureate Arno Penzias was referenced favorably by Percey and Johnson (2004, p. 417) as was my research on flood myths by Wise (2002, p. 274), my research on Nazism and Darwinism by Perloff (1999, p.  223), Morris (1997, p. 437), Eidsmoe (1992, pp. 289, 297), and Exama (2006, pp. 50-51, 99).

My work on the design of the human eye was reviewed favorably by Snoke (2006, p. 184) and Oglethorpe University physics professor, Dr. John Cramer, in his book on the design requirements for life, favorably referenced my work on the inverted retina. He concluded that the “‘inverted’ design of the vertebrate retina may be the only way to provide” the needed nutrients and oxygen to this critical for sight structure, thus would likely be the design found on aliens (2001, pp. 140, 198). Harun Yahya (2002, p. 121-122) referred favorably to my work on the problem of racism and Eveland (2002, pp. 101, 311) was very positive about my work on the relationship of Darwinism and ruthless laissez faire capitalism.

Hunt and Carper (1997, p. 22, 29) in a book dedicated to those committed to the proposition that parents have the primary rights and responsibility to direct the education of their children, recommended my fastback on the creation evolution controversy “for those who wish to explore the ‘creationism’ issue.” Davis referred to my writing on genetics in a chapter on the genetic revolution (2004, pp. 278, 335) and Biebel et al., (2008, pp. 57, 238) quoted from my article on the biochemistry of tears in chapter 14 to support the theme of this chapter. Arment, (2008, p. 86) referenced two of my articles, one on the fossil record and another on the history of evolutionary naturalism. Professor Monk cited my article “The Design of the Tears” writing that it was “one of the best short introductions to the operation of the tear duct, and mentions SO3 in the vapors emanating from onions” (Monk, 2004, pp. 239, 548-549).

Smith favorably referred to my article on the failure of the American correctional system (2008, p. 33) and Wilbanks (1981, p. 384) commented favorably on my chapter in Calvert Dodges book on prisons. My article on Blind Tom, the sightless “idiot Savant” musician, was cited favorably by Professor Southall (1999, p. 161) and, last, my work on peer evaluation of university faculty was noted favorably by Nilson (2003, p. 222).

Books Opposed to Creationism

All books opposed to creationism and Intelligent Design were either very inaccurate or very critical of my work, often both. An example of a book opposed to creationism that referenced me twice is American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America by Harvard-trained journalist Chris Hedges. He concludes that the “Christian Right,” a group in which he includes creationists of all stripes, are an “imminent threat” to democracy and are the “American heirs to fascism” (book jacket). Hedges wrote that those on the “Christian Right,” such as Dr. James Dobson and myself, want to create a global Christian empire by becoming modern Nazis “through violence” (2007, p. 24). In a chapter in his best seller titled The War on Truth Hedges irresponsibly claims on page 118 that creationists blame Darwin for spawning most of the evils of modernity, including racism, apartheid, Stalinism, and the Holocaust. For the last evil, he references me as an example of “Christian Right” scholarship designed to create a global Christian empire!

I am flattered to learn that Hedges considers me influential enough to be a threat to democracy in America, but all my article did was to simply summarize the abundant peer-reviewed literature that documented the important influence of Darwinism in causing the Holocaust. My role was only to summarize the enormous amount of scholarly literature available on this subject. When I originally submitted my article to a creationist publication, the reviewers stressed that I needed to make it clear that other factors were involved in causing the Holocaust, which I did. This fact was ignored by Hedges, who, I suspect, did not read my complete article.

Then, as further proof that “the Religious Right,” including me, want to “seize power and establish a world according to their doctrines,” Hedges argues that, to achieve this nefarious goal, they must “conjure up a lying world … an entirely imaginary world” that requires blocking out the real world (Hedges, 2007, p. 113). Hedges then cites another article that I authored to back up his irresponsible claims. After claiming that “Darwin is usually presented as an unbalanced and sadistic” man by “American fascist anti-Darwinists,” Hedges, referring to my article “Was Charles Darwin Psychotic? A Study of his Mental Health” (2007, p. 119) wrote: “An article put out by the California-based Institute for Creation Research is typical” of what Hedges says are the false Darwin Skeptic claims.

Again referring to my article, Hedges then implies that my claim is foolish, a conclusion that is irresponsible. I never claimed in my article that Darwin was sadistic or unbalanced, but merely summarized the scientific literature on Darwin’s mental health, of which no shortage of material exists. I focused on Darwin’s own words about his many health problems, also of which no shortage exists. Both sources have fully documented the fact that he had severe, often incapacitating, mental health problems.

From this evidence Hedges argues in his book that I am part of a vast right-wing conspiracy at war against America, and “my cronies” and I want to take over the world. Conversely, Dr. Michael Shermer, who did not know that I was a Darwin Skeptic, quoted my research favorably (published in Free Inquiry 1996, volume 16:41-46) on the religious beliefs of scientists (2003, p. 73). Since this journal is an agnostic/atheist skeptic magazine, Shermer no doubt assumed that I was a Darwinian true believer and, for this reason, quoted me favorably.

The charges that creationists and other Darwinism Doubters including myself want to take over the world (or our country) and form a theocracy has been shown to be irresponsible by a number of empirical studies. For example, Stark, in a survey of Americans found that conservative Christians, including fundamentalists, are not much different in comparison with average Americans on many questions of church and state separation, especially on issues relating to establishing a theocracy (2008, pp. 149-158).  A chapter titled “Is there a Secret Plot of Evangelicals to Take Over the American Government?” reviews the history of the claim popular in the 1940s and 1950s that there exists “secret plans by the Pope and his minions to take over America and stamp out all traces of democratic rule.” (2008, p. 157). Stark then quotes several examples, such as Paul Blanchard’s best selling book American Freedom and Catholic Power. Stark concluded that:

Today these anti-Catholic concerns seem ridiculous. Hopefully, the equally spurious claims about evangelical theocratic plots will also soon seem equally ridiculous. For the fact is, Evangelicals are not so very different after all (Stark, 2008, p. 158).

In fact, the claims by the Darwinists are more ridiculous and more dangerous because they are widely believed by academia, the courts, and many scientists.

Sean Carroll quotes my writing on Darwin and Nazism, claiming that “By inflating evolutionary science into a political philosophy, Bergman and others seek to discredit the science” (2006, p. 238-239). Carrol does not even try to refute my claim that a strong connection existed between Darwinism and Nazism, but even if I did inflate the relationship (which I did not) the result was still horrible. Furthermore, I in no way attempted to discredit science, rather to show how the now abandoned field of eugenics is no longer viable, as my work has made clear.

Randy Moore, Randy and Mark Decker.

Moore, and Decker (2008, p. 27) in their “encyclopedia” wrote one short paragraph on me. His mistakes include stating that I “was a biology instructor and Young-Earth Creationist at Bowling Green State University.” I was not a biology instructor during the time he referred to but was an assistant professor (not an instructor) of education (not biology). I have written several articles about my position on Young-Earth Creationism that he obviously did not consult, nor did he consult me. It is irresponsible to write an entry in a reference book (I also published a book with his publisher, Greenwood) without consulting the person you are writing about, nor even bothering to do the necessary research to ensure at least a minimum level of accuracy.

He also notes that I lost my court case (technically the court never even bothered to read my brief and ruled on my appeal without even possessing a copy of my appeal!) I know this because I never sent it to them, but the court ruled against me anyway, claiming they read my appeal when this was impossible.  Moore and Decker state only that “Bergman’s denial of tenure was not due to his religious views” ignoring the wealth of evidence demonstrating otherwise. The whole case is on the Internet and can easily be Googled, but the authors obviously did not bother to do so, which is typical of most Darwinist fundamentalists reviewed in this paragraph. Wendel, (2008, pp. 6, 13, 213, 347) in a Ph.D. dissertation, referenced my work on vestigial organs, homology, and sexism and Darwinism, adding brief comments in several cases that indicate he did not read the work he cited, or did not read it very carefully.

One exception is Strahler (1987, p. 511), who favorably quoted my article on syntropy and relied on it for much of his work on this sector. Unfortunately, in his discussion, in which he does not give credit to me, he repeated a mistake that I made in my article, namely that Szent-Gyorgyi had two Nobel prizes, a mistake I picked up from an article that I relied on in writing my article.

Barry Price

Another example of gross distortion of my work is Price’s The Creation Science Controversy (1990). First of all, Price misspells my name (he has Jenny instead of Jerry), then proceeds to attack my conclusions, which involved citing a study on the longest known living California redwood trees, noting that not one was dated much older than 4,000 years. Price then claims, but cites no reference, that a bristlecone pine was dated at 5,000 years. Price also uses “scare quotes” to describe the “scientific method” he claims that I used—in fact my article did not use any scientific method, but was only a short summary of one article. He adds, mockingly, that in creation science research “almost anything goes” (1990, p. 31).

According to Guinness Book of World Records, the ring count record is held by Pinus longaeva (a bristlecone pine), which has a total ring count of 4,867 (Glenday, 2007, p. 39). From this ring count its age can only be estimated, and the oldest estimate is 5,200 years, which is a long way from the multi-millions of years often given by evolutionists for the history of plant life that Berry is trying to support. The relevant section of my article is quoted below:

Except for men who cut them down for timber—or earthquakes, fires and lightning—redwoods and sequoias have few enemies. …It is significant therefore that no redwood tree has been found older than about 4,000 years. There are, though, many sequoias and redwoods in the 3,000 year-old range. The most famous sequoia tree, ‘General Sherman,’ … has been around for something like 4,000 years. But as tall and old as many sequoias are, they are not the oldest tree. A bristlecone pine in the White Mountains of California has this honour. It is more than 4,000 years old. As trees such as the bristlecone pines and the redwoods are still living after 4,000 years or more, and seem impervious to the normal problems of trees, it is conceivable that they could live another 4,000 years or longer—a total of 8,000 years! Why then, are none found much older than 4,000 years? It would seem that if these trees grew before this time, it would take something like a catastrophic natural disaster to wipe them out. This is seen as strong evidence for Noah’s Flood having occurred a little more than 4,000 years ago (Bergman and Doolan, 1987, p. 10).

Note that I did discuss the bristlecone pine, writing that it is over 4,000 years old and did not, in contrast to Price’s claim, state that “not one of them is older than 4000 years.” Price’s claims are as follows:

A perusal of creationist writings indicates that almost anything at all is published if the writer includes some statement which claims that the earth is less than 6000 years old. This same “scientific method” is used … [by] Robert Dooland … and Jenny Bergman, Ph.D. (sic), … joint authors of an article…. The main point of the article is that because not one of them is older than 4000 years, this is evidence for the flood. However, Dooland and Bergman should have extended their visit a little to the White Mountains, also in California. There they would have found species of Pinus longaeva (sic) which are over 5,000 years old, as measured by actual tree ring counts. This is a thousand years before the flood (Price, 1990, p. 31).

Another problem is that dendrochronologists have shown multiple rings can be produced in a single year, possibly reducing the age somewhat. For this reason, counting tree rings to produce the age of a tree is not an exact science.[2] In another study the investigator subjected Bristlecone pine seedlings to drought conditions and found that such stress produced extra growth rings.[3]  Lammerts concluded that commonly accepted dates based on bristlecone pine tree growth rings were suspect.  Elliott wrote of this research that the “work with the Bristlecone Pines and their drought-induced growth rings seem to raise significant questions about traditional chronologies based upon growth ring analysis.”[4]

Ron Numbers

Ron Numbers, who is one of the most accurate and fair critics of creation and ID today, devoted a whole chapter in one of his books to respond to my book The Criterion (Numbers, 1992, Chapter 13). Unfortunately, in contrast to Number’s other writings, this chapter is very inaccurate. He claims that discrimination against creationists of all stripes is rare or close to nonexistent. He repeated this claim in his revised work—the chapter remained unchanged, even though I sent him much documentation demonstrating its many inaccuracies (Numbers, 2006). I am now writing a four volume series of books on the problem of discrimination that responds to the claims in this chapter. The first volume is titled Slaughter of the Dissidents. The third volume will discuss the censorship problem relating to Darwin Skeptics.

John Grant

The last example of distortion is by John Grant. Under the subheading “No Jobs for the Boys” is a discussion of the claim that creationists are discriminated against in academia. Grant argues that such problems are contrived, and that no such discrimination actually exists. He writes:

A frequent complaint of Creation Scientists is that they are discriminated against by the powers-that-be of orthodox science: their papers are rejected by the scientific journals, or they are even dismissed from their jobs because of their beliefs. These are serious charges (2006, p. 171).

After irresponsibly claiming that these are largely false charges, he writes that “cases of unfair dismissal are… hard to find” (2006, p. 172). Actually they are very easy to find. Grant first discusses my BGSU court case, then my book, The Criterion, implying that the cases I documented in this work were, in fact, cases of persons fired for just cause in every case. It is obvious that Grant’s entire discussion attacking my book relied on the work of Numbers cited above. As proof of his conclusion, Grant cites several cases of creationists who have gained doctorates, including Henry Morris, Walter Lammerts, Duane Gish, and Kurt Wise. He ignores the fact that all of these persons except Kurt Wise were awarded their degrees well over a half century ago when much less hostility existed against Darwin Skeptics and that many, many well documented cases of creationists exist who were denied degrees in more recent times due to their beliefs.

Other Examples

Lienesch (2007, p. 214) quotes me at some length, claiming that I am an “activist” blaming evolution “not only for abortion, homosexuality, and fornication,” but for other sins as well. The reference he cites for, which actually addresses academic freedom, in no way supports his claim.  Ratzsch (1996) in a book that tries to strike a middle ground, has a whole chapter that attempts to cover “popular creationist misunderstandings (chapter 4 pp. 37-54) and in the notes references my work several times (p. 201).


With rare exceptions, I found in this study that most books quoted me favorably, as did all of those books that did not openly oppose my worldview. Conversely, all books without exception where the authors knew of my doubts about Darwin quoted me unfavorably, often claiming that I am a danger to society or similar outrageous irresponsible claims. This observation reveals the critical impact of worldview on influencing one’s perception of reality and the writings of others. One exception is Marty et al., in a book edited by James Moore who wrote that the problem of certitude is often ignored by fundamentalists (1993, p. 56) adding in a footnote that “a rare attempt to address this issue” (the issue of certitude) includes two articles that I wrote published in CRSQ (1993, p. 69).

Reviews of my Books

All of these reviews are very favorable.

  1. 1. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Kindred Groups: A Historical Compendium and Bibliography.
  2. ADRIS Newsletter, 13(4):89 July-Sept. 1984.
  3. James H. Sweetland American Reference Book Annual, 1985, p. 476.
  4. 3. T. Hutchinson Choice by, Jan. 1985, p. 658;
  5. 4. Eric Pement Cornerstone 15(79);
  6. Bruce David Forbes Religious Studies Review 11(4):419 Oct. 1985;
  7. 6. Charles W. Heiser Theology Digest 32(1):61 Spring 1985.
  8. Henry Thompson, 1987. International Social Science Review. Autumn 62(4):182-183.
  9. Jehovah’s Witnesses A Comprehensive and Selectively Annotated Bibliography. New York: Greenwood Press 1999. 352 pp.
  10. D. S. Azzolina. Choice 37(2): 302 October, 1999.
  11. Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Problem of Mental Illness.
  12. Kaynor J. Weishaupt Free Minds Journal. 12(6):12 November-December 1993.
  13. David A. Cook Discerner. 15(1):16-17 1995.
  14. “Vestigial Organs” Are Fully Functional (A History and Evaluation of the Vestigial Organ Origins Concept). Reviewed by John R. Meyer in CRS Quarterly, Vol. 28, Mar 1992, p. 169.
  15. The Criterion. Reviewed in Associates for Biblical Research Newsletter, Vol. 23, No. 2, Mar-Apr 1992, reviewed in The Discerner, pp. 12-13.
  16. Teaching About the Creation Evolution Controversy. Reviewed by Professor John Moore (Prof. of Natural Science, Michigan State University).  In CRSQ, Vol. 17, Je, 1980, p. 75.
  17. Review of Jehovah Witnesses and the Problem of Mental Illness. in The Discerner 15(1) Jan-Feb-Mar, 1995, pp. 16-17.
  18. Review of Slaughter of the Dissidents.
  19. Dialogue April 2009. 36(1):3, 7


 Ankerberg, John and John Weldon. 1999. Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions. Eugene, OR. pp. 191-192, 208.

Ankerberg , John , and John Weldon. 2003. Fast Facts on Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. pp. 147-153,185.

Ankerberg, John and John Weldon. 2008.  Handbook of Biblical Evidences: The Facts On Jesus Creation, The Bible. Harvest House Publishers.  pp. 158-162 and 390-391.

Ankerberg, John and Dillon Burroughs. 2008. What’s the Big Deal About Other Religions?: Answering the Questions About Their Beliefs and Practices. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.  pp. 106, 246.

Arment, Chad. 2008. Eight-Legged Marvels. Landisville, PA.: Coachwhip Publications.  p. 86.

Auxt, Jay A. and Dr. William M. Curtis III. 2009. Global Warming and the Creator’s Plan (Exploring Series) Green Forrest, AR: New Leaf Publishing Group.  p. 18.

 Becker, David R. 1994. “Evolution: A Racist Fairy Tale.”  Homiletic & Pastoral Review, October, pp. 7-16.

Bergman, Jerry. 2006. Response to “Dr. Firpo Carr vs. Dr. Jerry Bergman [Updated].”

Bergman, Jerry and Robert Doolan. 1987. “The Oldest Living Things.” Creation Ex Nihilo, 10(1):10, December.

Biebel, David, James Dill M.D., and Bobbie Dill R.N. 2008.  70 Ways to Beat 70: Keys to a Longer, Healthier Life. Grand Rapids, MI.: Revell. pp. 57, 238.

Blazek, Ron and Anna H. Perrault. United States History: A Selective Guide to Information Sources. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited; 1994. pp. 269-270, 359.

Boyd, Robert T.  1997. Boyd’s Handbook of Practical Apologetics. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications. p. 237

Botting, Heather and Gary Botting. 1984.The Orwellian World of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. p. 158.

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