Some Arguments Favoring Creation: Part 1

Some Arguments Favoring Creation
Part 1

Author: Curt Sewell
Subject: Creation Overviews
Date: 11/2/1999


Creationism predicts that, since all kinds of life were created in much the present form, and at about the same time, we may find fossil evidence of extinctions, but there were never any “half-this-half-that” transitional creatures. The fossil record shows that this is true.

In fact, no verifiable transitional fossils have ever been found above the “Family” level, although there is good evidence that a number of new species have appeared. Almost all fossils can be identified and classified in the same way as those creatures living today. Most knowledgeable evolutionists now admit that this disproves Darwinism — gradual change through survival of the fittest.

Gould and Eldredge proposed the “Punctuated Equilibrium” theory, that says that evolution occurred in sudden jumps, with long periods of stasis, or changelessness, between the quick spurts of evolutionary change. They have no evidence for this except for the millions of missing transitional fossils. But a better explanation of all those “missing links” is that “In the beginning, God created …”


  1. A) Matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed — only changed from one form to another.
  2. B) Any such change causes an increase of entropy, that is, a decrease in complexity.

Notice that the second law prohibits any sort of gradual evolutionary improvement in living things — that would be an increase in complexity. These two fundamental laws of science are defined only for closed systems, but no one has ever been able to imagine any other system for which these laws are not true over a long time span, unless there is outside intelligent energy input. Raw energy input (sunlight etc.) is not enough. But evolutionists can’t allow a theory requiring outside intelligence, for that would be supernatural intervention — a Creator. The second law of thermodynamics is a hindrance to evolution because the chemical processes involved in the origin of life from non-life are thermodynamically reversible, favoring non-life. The same problem applies to the problem of producing favorable mutations.

NOTE: The Fossil Record shows that evolution has never occurred, so far as any evidence shows. The Laws of Thermodynamics show that, theoretically, it could never have occurred.


The only workable theory ever proposed that explained in detail the source and behavior of earth’s magnetic dipole was by creationist Sir Horace Lamb in 1887. This postulated that, in the beginning, an electric current had started flowing in the molten earth core, and has been exponentially decaying ever since.

Since Gauss’s first measurement of earth’s magnetism in 1835, repeated tests have shown a steady decay (about 6% since then). This follows the same decay curve obtained by plugging the known physical constants of the earth’s core into Lamb’s equations. It shows that 10,000 years ago, the earth would have been much too hot to support any kind of life. This is one of the many limits showing the earth could not be much more than about 10,000 years old.

Evolutionists rely on the flimsy “dynamo theory” to explain a planet’s magnetic field, since it’s the only way to escape the short-age prediction of the more reasonable creationist explanation. Using the dynamo theory, most astronomers had said that Uranus’s magnetic field would be very weak. But two years before

Voyager II arrived at Uranus, for the first actual measurements of that planet’s magnetism, physicist Russell Humphreys had published (in the Creation Research Society Quarterly) his prediction of a strong Uranus magnetic field. When Voyager arrived there, it confirmed that creationist prediction, and the January 1986 newspapers were filled with the surprise of astronomers.


When our space program first started, its widely stated purpose was to learn more of planetary evolution, and to find other life in space. So far, every new discovery has been a new mystery, and all are agreed that there is no other life in our solar system, and no evidence there ever has been, or will be.

We know that a certain amount of “space dust” is continually falling on the earth and the moon. On earth, rain allows this to mix with normal dirt and be dispersed. But the moon has no rain, and the dust should just accumulate on the surface. Before the first moon landing, there was a strong worry about the 50-foot-thick layer of dust that should be there, having fallen for billions of years. Creationists predicted that it would be less than a few inches thick, since it had only been falling for a few thousand years, and they were proven to be right. Evolutionists counter with the fact that the original study that produced the prediction was incorrect, and they believe that the influx of space dust is far less than what they originally predicted. It is true that it is impossible to project the rate of accumulation of space dust over millions of years; the rate simply is not uniform enough to make that prediction. This is true of all attempts to estimate ages; the “clocks” simply are not accurate enough. But in a general sense, the amount of dust on the moon is quite consistent with a young earth/moon model, much more so than a model that requires the moon to be billions of years old.


Dr. Robert Gentry, at Oak Ridge National Lab, studied the halos (spherical discolorations) made by decay of alpha-emitters in the micas of granite. Their diameters show what isotope had decayed. He found a number of halos from polonium, with no trace that uranium or thorium had ever been present! Since rock must be solid for a halo to form, this shows that the polonium had been present when the rock hardened. But polonium has a very short half-life, so this couldn’t have happened slowly, like the evolutionist model of a gradually-cooling earth or magma demands. It must have actually been primordial polonium — it had to have been placed there in the beginning! Thus these masses of granite must have been formed as a solid in a very short time, no more than a few minutes!


When alpha-decay of radioactive heavy metals occurs, helium atoms are formed. If this had been happening for billions of years, there would be a lot more helium around than we actually find today. Professor of Metallurgy Dr. Melvin Cook has calculated that this shows the maximum age of the earth to be about 50,000 years.


The Grand Canyon shows more strata than any other spot in the world. Yet there are hundreds of millions of years missing from these strata (compared to the evolutionist’s “geologic column”), and several different so-called ages alternate and repeat, as if evolution “went back and forth.” This is evidence against the reliability of the geologic column as a measure of age. Yet that column is the primary standard used to determine the age of a fossil.

These are only a few of the evidences showing that God’s sudden creation is a better explanation for our existence than is the fable of evolution. Other “Creation Bits” articles will describe more. Still others will describe evidences that tend to cast doubt on evolution’s validity.


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