Septuagint Chronology

Guests: Doug Sharp and Rich Geer

Description: The Bibles we use today were translated from the original languages of Hebrew and Greek, and we have copies that date from the times of the early Christian church. The Masoretic manuscript is the one that was used by chronologers like Ussher to give a date of 4004 BC for the creation. But the Septuagint Greek text, which was older, differs in the dates when the patriarchs had their children, and that stretches the timeline out to about 5225 BC. That, of course, doesn’t help those who want to compromise with evolution, but Rich presents a good case that this text may be the correct one. An objection to the Septuagint was that it purported put Methusaleh living after the flood, but that objection can be put to rest.

Septuagint Chronology


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