Horse Evolution Debunked

Guests: Doug Sharp and Rich Geer

Description: During the Beagle Expedition, Charles Darwin found a horse’s tooth in the same stratum as fossil giant armadillos. He wondered if it had been washed down from a later layer. Anatomist Richard Owen confirmed the tooth was from an extinct species.
The horse series of fossils used as evidence of evolution consists of Hyracotherium, Mesohippus, Merychippus, Pliohippus, and Equus. This is a superficial sequence and not necessarily in order from simplest to most complex.
The theory of evolution is based on the mistaken idea that purpose of design found in creatures is a result of adaptation to the environment. Indeed there is a built-in mechanism called epigenetics in God’s creation that turns on or turns off functions in order to adapt to specific environments.
It is no surprise that there are a wide variety of horses, both in the fossil record and also in the modern environment. We have horses that range from the Lilliputian horses to the Clydesdales. This wide variety of horses is consistent with the creation account.
Creationists believe that the original horse kind brought on the ark contained enough genetic information to produce all of the known species in the world.
Similar design does not indicate similar ancestry. The cow and the horse share some features, but it is because the same God who was the programmer of the genetic information reused the same code for various species.
The problem is that evolutionists believe that the elimination of a creature by death is somehow a creative process to help the survival of a species more fit for an environment. Evolutionists do not explain how that works.


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